There are certain characteristics that separate successful salespeople from average salespeople. The latter doesn’t have an innate ability to sell. Sales come from three things – Attitude, Activity, and Ability and these qualities can be learned through practice and proper training.
1. Attitude is the belief that you can sell before you actually do it. It is something more than self-confidence. Before making any sale, answer these questions to bring a real attitude in you and your team
- Do you and your team firmly believe you fill a need in the market
- Can you deliver what you promise every time without fail?
- Do your customers get real value by working with your company or purchasing your products?
2. Activity is about DOING and involves marketing to generate leads and sales to convert those leads to paying customers. Be clear about the strategies to be used to generate sales and revenue. And then set activity goals to support your revenue goals. The best way to do this is to start with the end in mind – revenue goals or the number of new customers.
3. Ability defines how well one can dig out the needs of the customers to come up with the best possible solution (i.e. make the sale). To do so effectively, recognize two important things: first, buying decisions are primarily emotional, a desire for gain or fear of loss (or pain avoidance), and, second, people buy benefits, not features. Know the benefits your products or services provide and understand the true emotional motivators for your target customers
Selling becomes easier once you understand the purpose of selling is not just selling the product or
service, but you are providing solutions that meet your prospect's needs.